1. SOIL: Till up your soil to the depth of 18 inches. Remove any clay or large rocks. Check your pH.
2. COMPOST: Till in old compost and some coarse sandy. Add the fertilizer of your choice. Some gardeners like the triple phosphate.Others prefer organic fertilizers. Add some peat moss as well. The best is Happy Meal. We make compost tea to feed your Asparagus roots. Mix the soil well.
3. MAKING THE TRENCH: A couple of days before your Asparagus arrive make a trench in the soil that you prepared.The trench should be about 1 1/2 feet wide and about 9 inches deep.
*** Two year Asparagus roots. make trench 6 inches deep and do the same as above. Goal 3 - 4 inches covering the crown.
4. MOUND SOIL: Inside the trench mound up a 2 inch hill of soil. Now take the Asparagus root and spread it out on top of the mounded up soil. Go about 12 - 14 inches and plant the next Asparagus root. After the row is complete fill back in the soil that you took out.
5. INCHES: For 3 year crowns there should be about 5 - 6 inches of soil on top of the crowns. The longer parts will set down in the trench lower. After the trench is closed. Take your shovel and pat down the area to get the air pockets out.
6. Happy Meal Garden Tea** We highly recommend the Asparagus Garden Tea to get the Asparagus off to a good start.The Tea is all organic and made here at our Asparagus Farm. Once the Asparagus are planted and fed they are ready to start to go to work for you.
7. Take 3 - 4 tablespoons and place in a gallon jug of water.Place the jug in the sun for about 2 - 3 hours. Shake up and jug and now use in place of watering.** 2 Tea for every 25 Asparagus crowns.