Step:1 Dig a hole 1 feet wide and 1 foot deep. Make
round without edges.

Step 2 : Fill the hole up to the very top with water. Let the water
soil into the soil overnight.

Step 3: Now refill the hole with water. And time it and
measure after 1 hour.

Step 4: Do measurement every hour. The water should be all gone
in two hours. By measuring by the hour. It will tell you
how fast the water dra ** To fast is just as challenging
as to slow. Measure and watch the time and you will be
able to know how fast or slow your garden.
Why do A Perk Test?
The Perk Test is a simple easy gardening tools that will make your Asparagus easy to plant and fast to grow. The "key" to growing Asparagus is the soil and how the water drains. Buy Asparagus roots and do the Perk test l have a great influence on your soils pH. Your Asparagus garden will thank you by bringing you years of great harvest.
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